Saturday, November 6, 2010

FaLL FuN.....

So far this fall has been pretty busy. It seems like we have been running like crazy on the weekends and then make it home just in time to start our week over with work and school. We spent our Halloween in Pocatello with Angie, Carlie, and Ryann. It was nice getting to spend time with them and getting to help them get ready to go trick or treating! I'll have to post some of our pictures. :)
Another exciting happening of this fall season...Cory's brother Cody just had another baby girl named Jade. We always get so excited to add a new niece or nephew to the crew. I believe this makes 28 nieces and nephews and one on the way! We love them all so much and can't wait for Sheri's little one to come too. 

We are so lucky to have the friends and family that we do in our life and we just want to let all of you know how thankful we are for all that you do. We truly feel so blessed especially during this thanksgiving season!
Little Carlee, Ryann, & Miss Carlie
Cory & Whit
Go Go Girl, Whit, & Pirate

The girls just adore Cory!