Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time of Thanks...

This year we spent Thanksgiving with the Anderson side of our family. We went to Provo for Thanksgiving day and then woke up Friday morning and headed to Las Vegas for Cory's oldest brother Randy and his wife Lucy to be sealed in the temple. It was a quick trip, but it was nice to have a family vacation. 
Thanksgiving morning we joined the Forman family for Turkey Bowl

Randy, Brandt, & Cory

Brady & Cory "Tebowing" after the game

Thanksgiving night we went & looked at the neighbors Christmas lights with  whole family. They went with music and were AMAZING!  

When we got to Vegas we stayed in the Palms and got an upgrade! Our rooms were sweet!

The bathroom was awesome!

Brittanny, Cody, Cory, & Whitney

Me & Cory in front of the Vegas Temple

The family waiting for Randy & Lucy 

Such a cute picture

Randy with his college friend Jason & his wife Amy