On May 29th it was our 2 year anniversary and believe it or not we both almost forgot. Cory had already moved to Montana to start working for the BLM and I was finishing up my two weeks at work in Logan. I spoke to him early that morning and we just talked about all that we needed to get done before I moved up to Dillon too. Then I went in to my last day of work and he called me on my work phone. I thought that it was unusual for him to call back to back like that, so I answer the phone and he said, "By the way, Happy Anniversary!". Oh man! How does that even happen?! We were so busy that we weren't able to celebrate together but we plan on doing something fun when we find the time.
But anywho....I just want to say that I feel like the luckiest girl in the world because I am married to the most amazing man. I know I always go on and on about him, but why wouldn't I?! :] He's my best friend and I appreciate all that he does. He's such a hard worker in school and anything he sets his mind to! & last but not least, he is the most handsome man I have ever seen! Wowza! Ha Ha I look forward to future...
I love you Cory! <3