Sunday, February 20, 2011

CoMe WhAt MaY & LovE iT.....

My Forever Valentine! <3
So a lot has happened since my last post. Everything as been the same as far as me working and Cory going to school. I am loving my job at Conservice and Cory has been doing great this semester. He plays on two different basketball teams and I love getting to watch him play! He will soon be getting his Real Estate License which is really exciting for us! He's worked so hard to get it.
As for me..I'm feeling SO blessed! The whole month of January I had been doing p90x, trying to get in to shape and my leg really started hurting. I thought I had pulled a muscle or something so I quit working out and when it didn't get better for about a month, I decided it was time to go to the doctor. My doctor checked things out and said that it couldn't be a muscle so he took x-rays and found a tumor on my left femur. He then sent me to a specialist to make sure that it was not cancerous. I went and was told that everything looked pretty good and not to be too concerned because he thought it just looked like a benign tumor. I have another check up with him in about a month and if it feels good then I'll just have to watch it but if not they'll CAT Scan it and go from there. We were so nervous, but are so thankful and it seems to be getting better. It really made us stop and think about the little things in life that we might take for granted. I just want you all to know how much we all love you and how grateful we are for all of your prayers. We love you!

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