Sunday, January 29, 2012

2 Years Ago Today....

Two years ago today my sweetheart proposed to me at the temple. It was one of the best days of my life. I never thought that I would find such a wonderful man to be sealed to for time and all eternity. It was very easy to get wrapped up in all of the excitement of the ring and announcing our engagement, but when I step back I realize that I was and am beyond blessed. When I was in young women's I wrote a list of all of the qualities I wanted in my future husband and when I got engaged my young women's leader mailed me the list. I thought that was so cool because it was from years and years ago. The best part of all is that when I went through my list I could easily check off all of the qualities that my Cory has. I'm thankful for the understanding of the gospel and I'm thankful for the temple. There are not enough words to express the wonderful feelings I was able to experience by being sealed to my best friend. I love the promises that our Heavenly Father makes to us by being sealed and by keeping our covenants. 

So for all of you ladies out there that are still looking for that special someone...I promise that you really can live your fairy tale. After all, I found the most handsome prince and he took me to a castle and promised me forever!  Life just doesn't get better than this. 

I love you Cory Anderson and I look forward to eternity with you! <3

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